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Internet Explorer 8 is available to Download

Posted by Shailendra Doke | Mar 6, 2008

Microsoft has released the public beta of their next-generation browser Internet Explorer 8. On this release Chris Wilson, IE Platform Architect says

This release contains some great advances in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and layout, programming model, performance, reliability, usability and service integration. We are eager to ensure that the transition to Internet Explorer 8 is seamless for you and your audience, and to give you a head start on using many of the new features with your sites and services. We encourage you to test your sites and services, and our platform implementation, and give us feedback!"

The beta is now publicly available for download.

Download Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1

Click on the above link, choose your operating system and that's it.

IE8 supports Microsoft Windows Vista® Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Vista, Windows XP® Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server® 2008 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2).

IE8 Beta 1

Here is the screenshot of Digital Passion on IE8 Beta 1

DP on IE8 Beta 1

Websites doesn't appear accurate, nearly all websites has some problem with it. In the above Digital Passion screenshot, you can see the search box is not appearing properly and the bottom of this site is also missed its background.

The Internet Explorer Crashes so much when I try to open my blog, but the new feature Automatic crash recovery recovers it immediately. It stops loading my blog. If you face any problems handling Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1, If you handled it, share your experience with us.

I will be in touch with you about latest release of Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1.

1 Comment
  • # Anonymous on 1/14/2009 04:55:00 PM  

    i have not a good experience with explore 8.

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